Meoteric Marxism: The Omniclass Of Cats.

4 min readDec 31, 2020


To understand Meoteric Marxism we must first come to understand the concept of ‘Neoteric Marxism’. Neoteric Marxism is a Marxist theory that seeks to completely change the way we view class. Paleomarxists saw the bourgeois as the class which must be abolished, they are the point in which class oppression sprouts. They believe all class distinctions must be abolished, Neoteric Marxists also believe that class distinctions must be abolished however the Omni-class becomes the bourgeois instead of the proletariat,

As the cycle of the bourgeois accelerates they quickly realize they cannot sustain themselves without an oppressed class, hence leading to the complete implosion of society in on itself creating a meta-Marxist utopia. This process is referred to as reality gentrification.

To understand neoteric Marxism more in-depth, read the manifesto

However, I don’t believe that neoteric Marxism goes nearly as far as it should, the primary focus is on wealth-classes instead of the real divide in society, species class, primarily the one between humans and animals. The division and alienation that humans have created is monstrous and leading us into our 6th mass extinction. Such oppression is far more important to be abolished than the oppression created from wealth, and in fact, the disparity made from wealth will be inherently abolished with the destruction of animal hierarchy.

The bourgeois would likely not let itself implode, they would attempt to recover by making a class that can be exploited. If we are under the assumption that bourgeoise cannot be forced back into a state where they are proletariat by other bourgeois members then we must assume that if oppression is to continue that there would be inter-species exploitation

Example of species being used as a working class

I believe that if under a neoteric Marxist framework the bourgeois would grasp onto their wealth by bringing about a secondary neolithic revolution and hence furthering the alienation of humans from nature, of humans from animals. And animals will work and slave away with no way of protest, no way to protect rights or revolt. Animals will be completely alienated by the means that they produce, animals will become alienated from their homes. The exploitation of human to animal becomes increasingly enlarged under a neoteric-Marxist framework.

However, the neoteric-Marxist framework is not useless! The concept of gentrifying reality and abolishing the proletariat are significant ideas in the establishment of a meta-Marxist communist utopia, the ideas are simply not being advocated enough in a radical enough way. What we need is to abolish the ruled ruling class, humans.

Humans may seem at first like they play a ‘bourgeois’ (ruling class) role in relation to the cycle of nature, they own animals, exploit animals, kill animals, and send animals into extinction for our own gain, for what seems like capital. So the logical solution would be to abolish animals… right?

You’d be wrong, humans are the ruled class, because of domestication. We have willingly sold our lives, spent money, and engaged in the spoiling and treatment of animals for what seems like no gain? This concept is especially prevalent with cats. If a cat meows we give them their wants, if a cat comes close to us we pet them, if a cat is lazy they sit on “our” things. They own us, we subject ourselves to the rule of the cats.

Picture of a cat🐱

Cats are the absolute definitive ruling class while the rest of the animals and humans are subjugated to them. It serves more of a feudal pyramid in relations rather than a definitive ‘Bourgeois’ and ‘proletariat’ system. We never left feudalism in animal relations, only in class and societal relations. This is why all paleomarxist projects have become doomed to failure, you cannot jump from feudalism to communism because you’re lacking class consciousness and class antagonisms necessary to have success.

Meoteric marxism, however, strives to completely destroy class-relations in the destruction of species-relations. Since its clear non-felines and humans are all serving a proletarian role we must either:

  1. Evolve them into cats, or chemically/genetically engineer them into cats
  2. Forcibly remove them, and more and more power, capital, and influence to felines.

By the end of the process, all you will be left with are cats. Cats do not possess nearly the same amount of power as humans and cannot subjugate. They do not have posable fingers, they do not have technology or the ability to create it. If we expand the cat species there will be no way to create a subjugated group. This leaves us with an exploitation-less society, once human civilization, exploitation, bourgeois and proletarian relations have all imploded we can be left with a feline-based society leaving us no choice but to descend into communism or at least some form of system where exploitation has been destroyed and class relations do not exist further. A society based on helping the common cat.




Written by Evelyn☕︎

A mixture of serious, ironic, and half-joke articles usually in relation to anarchism or politics. They/Them

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