The Manifesto Of The Anarcho-Felineist Party

4 min readDec 26, 2020


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Anarchism is a political philosophy that advocates against any and all hierarchy (state, capitalism, patriarchy, and any other possible hierarchy). Anarchism also exists as the active struggle against it.

Civilization has been defined in many ways, however, I define civilization as complex societies that rely on rural agriculture and are focused mainly in large cities.

And ofcourse, cats are an animal which have often have soft fur, small snouts. They are carnivorous.

Humans, Animals, And The Class Struggle.

For so long we have been oppressed under the weight of civilization, under the weight of the human form, society, the constructs, capitalism, and the government. These are all products that stem from one struggle, the human struggle.

Nobody in society is alien to the struggle, we are all products of it, suffering under the weight of it. The human struggle is one which has trailed history for so long, at one point we were animals on playing ground with the wildlife, in sync with nature. Soon though we advanced, the advance was no accident, it was inevitable. We had poseable thumbs, posture, potential which had been hidden from us and we were bound to unleash. What this advancement caused though was the subjugation of animals and human supremacy. We started shooting them down, invading lands just to kill lucrative ones, this is the true class dynamic. We chased some down to extinction and now we are on the verge of the sixth mass extinction, the only one to be caused be an animal, this extinction was caused by us.

Analyzing history we can see humans hadn’t always held capital on exploitation, food, and oppression. So if things hadn’t been this way, how did this issue arise? Through civilization. Humans made civilization to unify, to ease, to educate, and eradicate pests that dare to come between their agriculture

Soon we started to make pesticides and poisons for animals who posed threat to agriculture, hunting them down, we started killing them in mass.

Now society has more non-lethal pesticides, however, we hadn’t done away with the ruins of the old civilization. Many farmed fish have still been contaminated with poisonous pesticides (to this day it continues) and sent off to be eaten, and hence bioaccumulation began. Toxicity spread through the bodies of whoever eats that fish, introducing harm and sickness into the ecosystem of many.

Modern civilization also exists to centralize populations and allow for inner-exploitation of the human race, creating sub-classes of proletariat and bourgeois. It perpetuated commercial society and allowed for trade and wage labor never to be seen, for humans who had grown unsatiated by the tradition of killing off animals have now resorted to the killing off of themselves for a monetary capital gain, as well as maintaining the massive gains of capital in the food chain.

industry now arrives, bringing about massive destruction of the environment, livestock, deformation of animals, and destroying their dependency on the wild. The animal class largely becomes nothing more than toys for us, tools of edibility. In unison with farming, we now have environmental destruction never seen before, fragmenting, warming, destruction.

This domino effect details the linear course of nature, the nature of life today was unavoidable, simply locked for many years. We cannot abolish this distinction as many claim for we already understand its existence and understand the path to rebuild oppression. A change as massive as this would be too much of a hindrance to the ignorant privilege of humans and hence we would rebuild power, to build disparity to conquer the world and the food chain

It would be naive to believe the human class would so simply give up power, so the goal? to abolish the distinctions between the human class and animal class.

The Solution? A Conversion To Cat Life.

The animal class is so diverse with many sub-groups within it, rabbits, worms, eagles, frogs, however, I believe the way forward into the future is the evolution into the feline species. We are to become kitties, cats, to live in the wild.

Cats have become popular for many people, seen as cute, high appraisal and the trend of catboys sees its rise in society. We have appraised cats, kept them safe, cuddled with them, and hugged them. Why? Because we see them as cute.

Cats quite literally cannot advance civilization the way we have. They can barely pick up yarn, they cannot grow agriculture, build technology, or roads, or any such things. Cats merely exist in harmony with nature and are inalienable from it. As well as this, cats act in individual gain and occasional mutual gain. This aligns the principles of cats well with anarchy and opposition to civilization and a future for humanity

While cats may organize themselves vertically now, we can evolve to be horizontal anarchy cats who operate in independence.

Once we have evolved into the form of cats we have essentially liberated the class dynamic of human vs animal, the class distinctions have been remedied as well as the class antagonisms between them. The class dynamic of bourgeois and proletariat? Also abolished. To ascend to kitty is the highest form of liberation from civilization and to all things.




Written by Evelyn☕︎

A mixture of serious, ironic, and half-joke articles usually in relation to anarchism or politics. They/Them

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