The loveable jolly figure of your childhood! Most kids have loved him and spent many months anticipating December for him to arrive, since he gives out gifts you would expect him to be a friendly right…? Well perhaps that isn’t the case. Lets have a look at his darker side.
But first we must explain the so called ‘Tenets Of Fascism” shall we? A political scientist by the name of Dr. Lawrence Britt wrote an article called “Fascism anyone?” in which he had layed out these tenets of fascism which he uses to identify fascism and upcoming fascism.
- Strong and continuous nationalism
- Disdain for human rights
- Identification of enemies/scapegoats for unification
- Supremacy of the military
- Rampant Sexism
- Controlled mass media
- Obsession with national security
- Religion and government intertwined
- Protected corporate power
- Labor power suppressed
- Disdain for intellectuals
- Obsession with crime and punishment
- Corruption
- Fraudulent Elections
Upon reading this had it once crossed your mind this could be referring to father Christmas himself? I wouldn’t assume so, Lets explain deeper.
Strong And Continuous Nationalism
How is Santa at all nationalistic? Lets break it down, Many of Santa’s morals rely on law itself, which is created and enforced by a government of a country, and by unconditionally upholding a supremacy of law the situation is created where a supremacy of nation over man is upheld. The idea that the government can do no wrong is upheld which allows for it to do whatever such a nation would want. Year after year this dilemma is made and enforced by Santa Claus himself. He is a government tool in justification of their actions.
This is, without a doubt, an upholding of nationalism. This checks off our first checklist on our tenets of fascism.
Disdain For Human Rights
Human rights imply something is inherently righteous to a human, Santa does not uphold the belief. Family income plays a huge role in the gifts of Santa Claus, He rewards the rich and bourgeois for simply being rich and bourgeois! The workers receive minimal, and in extreme cases, no gifts from Santa Claus. If Santa had upheld the ideals of human rights he would take no part in class or gifting of upper class families. This income is inexplainable without a class analysis and acknowledging the class favoritism and exploitation of Santa.
Another clear analysis of Santa’s blatant disregard for human rights comes in the form of condition of elves. They slave away for hours, forced to produce MILLIONS of toys in the matter of months, Santa keeps the conditions of his elves very lucrative however its easy to piece together the lacklusterness of their conditions. He keeps them secret so we don’t lose support from him, Santa maintains no reason otherwise!
You may argue that he isn’t providing a disdain for human rights but rather elves rights, however they can think the same, act the same, shaped similarly, not to reduce elves down to humans as they are not, they are unique species, simply stating that they are entitled to the same conditions of the working class humans. Santa has exploited the supposed “subhuman” of elves to get away with their mass exploitation. This shall not be tolerated longer and concludes our 2nd piece of fascist Santa
Identification Of Enemies/Scapegoats For Unification
How does Santa identify enemies for unification? Who are Santa’s enemies anyway? Simply put, children who do not conform to the law, to ethics, to morals perfectly, Kids who swear and talk back to their parents, shoplifters, thief’s and many more! Notice how easily it is to be identified as an enemy of Santa, the does this as once you’re labelled as an enemy to Santa’s cause you’re given coal, shamed, punished. And the “good” kids who conformed to Santa’s will get to belittle you as you went against his word.
There is now a unified force against you, with nothing you can do, you’re an enemy of the people, Hated by those around you and shunned from society. Subtle, yet certainly noticeable and a punishment and burden to those who fall victim to it
Supremacy of the military
fortunately there is no confirmed Santa military, however we can brainstorm theories; How does Santa hide the condition of the elves? Why hasn’t anybody seen the workshop? A simple answer to these questions is the ‘Santa Military Theory’, I propose that Santa has a fleet of military officers that will silence anybody who is able to spoil his secrets, other than simple theorizing there isn’t any concrete evidence of the theory so we’ll leave it at that
Not all fascists fit all 14 tenants, this exists as a guide and not as firmly concrete guide to fascism
Rampant Sexism
Where does Ms. Claus work? Tell me, Does she work at home? Is she a house taker? Has Santa successfully enslaved a woman into the patriarchy? Santa enforces the idea of a woman being a house taker while big hunky hot sexy men take the glory doing the harsh jobs (like delivering billions of presents). Ms. Claus is perfectly capable of partaking in the task or assisting Santa in such
You can’t give me the whole “Somebody has to be at home”, Santa has thousands, if not millions, of slaves who work at his disposal. He can take far better care of his wife yet declines too in favor of her working in the kitchen doing inferior woman things
Controlled Mass Media
Santa maintains rampant control over the media for the whole month of December (Sometimes even into November and months following!)
Televisions are airing Christmas propagated episodes, Christmas ads are airing, People are caroling their blatant Santa propaganda machine songs
Many school districts, mine included, REQUIRE caroling as an activity, air up posters, decorate boards. Outside of schools you can see inflated statues of him, Lights and other decorations signifying his arrival. This is simply control of the media and propaganda from Santa Claus. Anybody who denies otherwise is a Santa shill ignoring their surroundings, absolutely inept to everything.
Santa without a doubt holds dominance over the media, he controls it and can use it to his desires.
Obsession with national security
Santa brings gifts of dreams to those who obey his idea of “good” and “bad” meanwhile providing coal to those who disobey such ideas. There is 24/7 surveillance of every single person on this planet to maintain his obsession with law. Santa maintains more power than the government in terms of national security with millions of children at his finger tips willing to do any such things. Everybody has been spied on and is currently spied on―truly a shilling fact to think about.
Santa brings about an illegitimate authority amongst us, the average everyday person. Santa is without a doubt obsessed with maintaining this law and order, so called “national security”
Religion and government intertwined
Santa Claus comes about on Christmas, a holiday for celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, a Christian god. Throughout the season of Santa the focus shifts from Santa to the Christian lord. Through carols, advertisements, decorations. Santa’s morals likely lie within Christianity itself as well due to the timing of Santa Claus’ arrival. While not explicitly stated the carols bring about a form of Christian ideas right next to the ideas of Santa Claus where the morals of the bible are spewed. This is an intertwinement of Christian ideals and Santa ideals in the minds of young children.
Protected corporate power
Santa Claus is depicted often as a socialist in the minds of many, this distortion of Santa could not be further from the truth, Again I would like to reiterate the class portion of Santa’s morals where the rich, who don’t need the help, are getting the help and the poor who desperately need it are being deprived of it.
And in fact, Santa’s image is so often used in advertisements that the people who use his imagery are capable of seeing an boost in income, Santa Claus’ design was conceived by none other than Coca-Cola company themself! Santa Claus is a staple of corporate power and capitalism, He satiates the people with yearly presents as corporations swiftly go back to milking them dry. He perpetuates the power and influence that corporations hold in society.
Labor power suppressed
Labor power is what the worker sells to an employer, Santa supresses this by muffling any idea in the workers minds that things are corrupt, “Oh they will get gifts yearly for free”, “Oh look at this corporate packaging on this gift Santa got me”
Why do Santa’s gifts contain corporate imagery when they are designed by elves? Its a propaganda tool to garner more revenue to the capitalists producing it. Even if the produce produced by elves bring no revenue they now have a piece of propaganda in their daily life for corporations that exploit the labor power of their workers! Its exists the only logical explanation to Santa’s practices
Disdain for intellectuals
Does Santa disdain intellectuals? Well he supports conformity to the system that oppresses you, if you dare rebel you have violated Santa’s wishes, his morals, lost the love of the man. Intellectuals are able to pick apart the poor parts of the world, They are able to understand different ideas that may be considered ‘unauthorized’. Doesn’t mean they have to believe the ideas but they are at least more open to them. This is against Santa’s wishes and what he would wish for.
There isn’t much new to offer in the corruption section, he supports a rampant police state, he has mass surveillance, favoritism for bourgeois corporations, disregard for human rights. His entire gimmick is being corrupt, he simply hides the corruptness through layers of innocence. I think this section, despite there being 1 more tenet following, sums up how corrupt he really is and the true evil that can come with it
Fraudulent Elections
Santa Claus does not play with the idea of elections, he does not entertain voting in the slightest. He and his family are the only ones occupying the north pole and own global dominance over most other countries of civilization. He is downright a global dictator who has successfully achieved world domination, In exchange for his rule we get free gifts. He transformed the WHOLE entire world into a fascist police state with 1 day of welfare. So while not fitting this criteria, He proposes something far more sinister in this regard.
In the end, Santa exists as a fascist with world domination, a man who has control of society. He is in essence, a global fascist who has control of the world. As we celebrate him his power and influence globally also grows. Do not fall trap to the fascistic Santa Claus.
There isn’t much new to offer in the corruption section, he supports a rampant police state, he has mass surveillance, favoritism for bourgeois corporations, disregard for human rights. His entire gimmick is being corrupt, he simply hides the corruptness through layers of innocence. I think this section, despite there being 1 more tenet following, sums up how corrupt he really is and the true evil that can come with it
Fraudulent Elections
Santa Claus does not play with the idea of elections, he does not entertain voting in the slightest. He and his family are the only ones occupying the north pole and own global dominance over most other countries of civilization. He is downright a global dictator who has successfully achieved world domination, In exchange for his rule we get free gifts. He transformed the WHOLE entire world into a fascist police state with 1 day of welfare. So while not fitting this criteria, He proposes something far more sinister in this regard.
In the end, Santa exists as a fascist with world domination, a man who has control of society. He is in essence, a global fascist who has control of the world. As we celebrate him his power and influence globally also grows. Do not fall trap to the fascistic Santa Claus.