Have you ever wanted to own a woman? Well as it turns out the process of enslaving a woman has not only been legal but been engrained into our society! This system is called marriage and here's how its slavery.
A common idea of marriage is that its a display of love between two people, and while for some marriages this remains true, but marriage has never been primarily about love. If marriage truly reflected love than why would over half of first marriages end in divorce? 7.8 million married women have raped by a partner, domestic violence becomes the leading cause of injury for women between 15–44 in the USA. Do these statistics appear to reflect a system centralized around love and affection?
Instead of marriage being focused on love it exists as selling woman as property, There are 1,138 rights gained through marriage, out of these 1,138 many of the rights are relation to money and property. Essentially what you can gather from this info is that marriage exists as a form of insurance, to lock your partner into a relationship of exploitation.
Through marriage a woman can lose her privacy, life, self-respect, purpose, job, and many liberties. This is how the payment of the insurance manifests. The marriage can create a life-long dependency on the leach of that is their husband, condemn them to the house, caretaking. the very restrictions that create and enforce the patriarchy and condemn expressing her true passions of life and restricting the rightful individuality.
The failure and short comings of marriage have not been a mistake. These were meant to be embedded into the system, from the very beginning this has been the root of the system of marriage recognized by the state itself. Emma Goldman had critiqued the system over a century ago in ‘Marriage And Love’ and many of which I integrated into my critique as they remain true. The state has stunted any form of fix to the system for as long as possible and will remain to do so.
- Queering Anarchism, multiple authors. page 20–24
- Emma Goldman, Marriage And Love
- Defense of Marriage Act